
Android fastest windows 95 emulator
Android fastest windows 95 emulator

and from what a lot of closest friends have said "i can't use Android without a touch screen, if you take Android and place it on an average desktop/laptop/netbook computer with the same specs you see today (sans touch screens) it would just feel too different" i did consider trying out the OS on my computer but i think touchscreens and Android go hand in hand so maybe Tablets will replace computers as information on the internet replaced computers. MicroSlopp lol nice one, i haven't heard much about the Android OS on computers lately. you all deserve the first free you gave me the idea.

Android fastest windows 95 emulator Android fastest windows 95 emulator

this will be offered here when complete for a time but then i will commercially distribute. it will be my Hardware test bed for final debugging. I also have purchased a full rooted Lightening. I am going to flash bios to emulate behavior of our smart phone's and use it as main test bed. Ok I have android running on a 1.5 gig AMDx2 with 2 gigs ram. sooo I will work on some after full root fun this being the first. the root team WILL accomplish they're goal they have enough minds together to do it. I do not know who all would want this but I am sure the ability to use the smart phone as a windows software running puter would be fun for some. if they are economized well in processor communication, and the processor is fast enough with the other hardware to back it it can be done we all have proof of this basic principle in our hands. one thing i have learned from MIT is hardware is always the only real block to what can be done. (virtual desktop's still too resource intensive). ie processor,ram ect of the smart phone's they not only can run win7 mobile<<< that's easy but should be able to run a more optioned Android OS what a true windows desktop emulator.

Android fastest windows 95 emulator

ok sure all you programmers already see where this can go now that the "smart phone hardware is actually a "puter. Windows emulation on Android! ok I know, I know, please do not flame I have a very successful and tried and true windows emulator for Unix, ported for Linix.

Android fastest windows 95 emulator